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De la bonne musique offerte par Worakls.

« Dear listeners, I’m glad to present you « Flocon de Neige », « Snowflake » if you prefer. Every musician has his technics when we have a lack of inspiration. Personally, I always thought that music comes from silence, so when I can’t make any music, I find a quiet place, sit down, and wait for the music to come to me. I did that once, in my garden, and then those tiny bells appeared. When I heard it perfectly, I ran to my studio to write it down. It reminded me of a snowflake’s purity by his sonority, and it’s way to dance with the wind by his groove. « Flocon de Neige » was born… I hope you will like it ! »


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One Comment

  1. Ah Worakls… <3
    Si vous aimez Hungry Music, N'to, Rone, Max Cooper et la melodic techno en général
    Venez écouter par ici :)

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