Je vous propose le titre génial Things That I Do, extrait de la dernière compilation du label Sound Pellegrino, accompagné de son clip et mis en ligne le jour de la Saint-Valentin.
Travail qui met en scène Teki Latex et sa copine, réalisé par Pierre Thyss (d’autres travaux de l’artiste sur son blog : http://pierrethyss.tumblr.com), pour une musique de Eero Johannes et des vocals de Teki Latex. (Producteur : Emile Shahidi, traduction japonaise Svet Chassol & Kenji Hamasaki.
Des sous-titres français, anglais et japonais sont même disponibles pour cette vidéo.
Vous allez aimer Things That I Do. Moi j’adore.
D’autres informations sur ce projet :
« A little backstory:
On Teki’s birthday this year, our friend the very talented illustrator PIERRE THYSS gave him a lovely framed drawing of Teki with his girlfriend Betty.
At the very same time we were wrapping up our album SND.PE VOL.02 and Teki had recorded this very autobiographical song about his temper and habits called « Things That I Do » with Eero Johannes.
Twenty lyrical vignettes giving a peak at his relationship with his girlfriend.
How much of these are true? Only those two know.
It was the perfect opportunity to collaborate with Pierre on a proper video, so I asked him if he’d like to do a slideshow with only hand-drawn illustrations in his own style.
He said yes and the process was very fast to say the least. All these have been produced in less than a week and my very biased opinion is that it looks fantastic.
Some people think the song is a joke, some think it’s very selfish and aggressive, and some think it’s too personal.
To be honest even I don’t know what percentage of the lyrics is fiction and what is real.
But one thing’s for sure: Pierre has captured a side of Teki people rarely see. »
Et puis, sans transition aucune, deux vidéos tournées et éditées au Japon par Yasuhito Tsuge produites par augment5 Inc.